Welcome to Trusted Tables

Hi, I’m Anne. I love the intersection of food and drink and community and culture. I want to exchange ideas about exploring great experiences sharing food and friendship.

Why read Trusted Tables?

My friend John once said, “I figure I only have so many meals left in my life and I want to enjoy each and every one of them.”

Trusted Tables aims to offer intelligent, honest food and travel journalism to help you enjoy your your meals just a little more. It’s a collection of stories and experiences about food, restaurants, chefs, neighborhoods – and how they relate to one another and to you.

Read it because you love new ideas. Read it because you love to eat and drink. Read it because you love time with friends. Or read it just for a kick.

How it works:

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Each edition will contain a restaurant review, or an idea about a foodie neighborhood or a foodie trend as well as a restaurant review. It could also tell you places to avoid. Or words of wisdom from chefs, maybe a cool recipe or two. You’ll have to read it to find out!

Want to write about food and food related stuff?

Trusted Tables wants you. We are looking for contributors who are curious and passionate about food and drink related stuff. If you are interested, write Anne@TrustedTables.com

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Discover a new restaurant, a new wine, a new food, a new neighborhood, a new culture, a new idea. Food and wine writing for foodies, daydreamers, thinkers, adventurers, and those looking for a great place to eat.


Aspiring food and wine writer living in two very different places: Miami and Martha's Vineyard. Certified sommelier (thank you WSET). Teach Creative Thinking at Harvard. Traveler. Tennis Player.